Heritage Preservation Institute

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Heritage Preservation Institute
78 St James Street
TypeNon-profit organization
IndustryHeritage Preservation
Founded26 October 2024
Headquarters78 St James Street, London
Board of Trustees The Duke of York
The Viscount Sidmouth
Baron Huntingdon
The Countess of Strathmore

The Heritage Preservation Institute is a non-profit organization established on October 26, 2024. Headquartered on St. James Street in London, the Institute is dedicated to heritage preservation through systematic recordkeeping at the Library of Parliament Hill. It was founded by the Duke of York, the Viscount Sidmouth, and the Viscount Islington.

Mission and Activities

The mission of the Heritage Preservation Institute focuses on documenting and safeguarding significant historical records to ensure their preservation for future generations. This approach facilitates educational and research opportunities while promoting public awareness of cultural heritage.


The organization is governed by a Board of Trustees comprised of its founders: the Duke of York, the Viscount Sidmouth, the Viscount Islington as well as the Countess of Strathmore, who was made a Trustee on the 10th of November 2024. John, Prince of Wales, also serves as an honorary Trustee (without any formal powers) due to his position as Royal Patron of the Institute. However, due to his extensive knowledge and research upon the history of the region, he is usually involved in conversation concerning the Institute when the Board of Trustees convenes for their bi-monthly meetings.

The trustees also serve as guarantors for the limited liability non-profit organization. The Royal Patron of the Institute is John, Prince of Wales.

Trustees of the Heritage Preservation Institute

Portrait Trustee Name Tenure
Start End Duration
SirchSomerset2024.jpg Sirch Somerset
The Duke of York
24 October 2024 Present 123 days
PMCharlesSomerset.jpg Charles Wright
The Baron Huntingdon
24 October 2024 Present 123 days
ThomasCarew.jpg Thomas Carew
The Viscount Sidmouth
24 October 2024 Present 123 days
John Prince of Wales.jpg John Somerset
HRH The Prince of Wales
24 October 2024 Present 123 days
StrathmoreSidmouth2Ministry.jpg Josephine Carew
The Countess of Strathmore
10 November 2024 Present 105 days